You’ve spent years building a successful business, and now, your business stands as a testament to the success of you and your team. If your business is poised at the threshold of its next growth chapter, and you’re ready for the next chapter in your life, the time to build value and plan for your ultimate transition may be at hand.
Are you and your team ready? Is your business value truly maximized, and do you have a clear path forward? Do you have a growth strategy?
Building a successful business isn’t easy—nor is transitioning it. To help you, we at Marcum have developed an e-book, The Five Stages of Value Maturity, with sound strategies and practical techniques to build a system that positions your business for a successful transition in good times or bad. Our ultimate goal is your ultimate goal: Maximize your business’ value—and by doing so, exit on your terms.
This e-book is organized in five chapters, corresponding to the Five Stages:
If you need more information regarding Marcum's Value Acceleration/Exit Planning, please contact Michael Trabert, CPA, CVA, CMAP, CEPA, CM&AA, CBEC at (440) 459-57600, email Mike at
To download this free e-book, simply complete the information on the form on the right.